2012年3月2日 星期五

The Sun Behind the Clouds 撥雲見日

clouds_poster_us 2

導演│Ritu Sarin 瑞圖薩仁 & Tenzing Sonam 丹真索朗

【影片介紹】About the Film

Dharamsala demonstrations (stop torturing)

此片描寫圖博流亡領袖達賴喇嘛所面臨的考驗與磨難,從2008年3月圖博首府拉薩發生的藏人抗議示威事件,到流亡藏人徒步回家行動,以及奧運火炬傳遞、中國留學生等後續效應,是描寫圖博當前危機及困境最深入、最有前瞻性的一部紀錄片。以《斷背山》配樂獲奧斯卡最佳原創歌曲的Gustavo Santaolalla,為該片製作配樂。這是難得全面探討流亡社區、境內外藏人和達賴喇嘛所面臨困境的紀錄佳片,已獲得多項國際大獎,本次因導演到訪,特別加映。


This film shows what is happening in the hearts of the Tibetan people…it presents a very unusual insight into the situation in Tibet.
Vaclav Havel, on presenting the award

…beautiful, stirring and inescapably elegiac…
Kevin Thomas, Los Angeles Times

The documentary does a superlative job of examining the half-century dispute over Chinese rule of mountainous Tibet.
VA Musetto, New York Post

A potent update on Tibetans‘ 50-year struggle for justice and recognition…essential viewing for anyone who cares about the fate of the mountain region and the legacy of the Dalai Lama.
Sheri Linden, The Hollywood Reporter

…a welcome departure from many previous films about the decades-long friction between Tibet and China…an exception in what is not an angry film but a notably calm, well-considered and balanced one.
Robert Koehler, Variety

Marchers on the road

Fifty years have passed since the takeover of Tibet by China. The Dalai Lama, Tibet's spiritual and temporal leader, has lived in exile for most of his life, trying to find a peaceful solution to the Tibet issue by giving up the goal of independence in an attempt to reach a compromise with China. But his efforts have failed to yield any positive outcome, and his people are becoming more frustrated.

March 2008. Tibet erupts as the biggest uprising since China took control in 1959, spreads across the country. The Tibetan people, for one brief moment, demonstrate to the world their unhappiness under Chinese rule and their desire for freedom. But China cracks down hard on the protests. It is also the year of the Beijing Olympics.

Even as the unrest spreads in Tibet, exile Tibetans in India, frustrated by the lack of political progress, set out on a march back to their homeland, convinced that this is the only action they can take to support their countrymen.

This is a year of dramatic possibilities for Tibet. Will the marchers make it back to Tibet? Will the world stand firm in its support of Tibet even as China prepares for its biggest coming-out party? Can the Dalai Lama finally achieve a breakthrough in his efforts to negotiate a settlement with China and silence the growing voices of dissent among his own people? Can his strategy of non-violence and compromise based on his Buddhist beliefs finally find success?

In The Sun Behind the Clouds, Tibetan filmmaker, Tenzing Sonam, and his partner, Ritu Sarin, take a uniquely Tibetan perspective on the trials and tribulations of the Dalai Lama and his people as they continue their struggle for freedom in the face of determined suppression by one of the world’s biggest and most powerful nations. The filmmakers had intimate access to the Dalai Lama and followed him over the course of an eventful year, which included the 2008 protests in Tibet, the international response to it, the Beijing Olympics, and the breakdown in talks between the Dalai Lama and the Chinese government.

Set against this backdrop, the film explores the interplay between the personal and the historic, spirituality and politics, and the tension between the Dalai Lama's efforts to find a peaceful resolution to the Tibet situation based on compromise and dialogue, and the impatience of a younger generation of Tibetans who are ready to take a more confrontational course.

導演介紹】About the Director


瑞圖薩仁、丹真索朗Ritu Sarin & Tenzing Sonam 是一對印藏夫婦。



從學生時代開始,薩仁和索朗便開始合作拍攝紀錄片,在實踐電影夢想的道路上,他們的夥伴關係已超過二十年。1987年他們在印度結婚並移居倫敦。1990 年他們成立自己的電影公司「白鶴電影」(White Crane Films)。 目前他們與兩個孩子住在新德里或達蘭薩拉。

他們的紀錄片作品包括:《堪蘇仁波切的轉世》、《特洛仁波切的考驗》、《千絲萬縷業力牽》、《家鄉的異鄉人》和《影武者:CIA 在圖博》,最新力作為台灣近期已經放映過的《雲後的太陽》(The Sun Behind the Clouds,又譯《撥雲見日》

Ritu Sarin was born in New Delhi. She finished her schooling in London and then returned to India to continue her further studies at Delhi University. After getting her undergraduate degree, she worked in Brussels for three years as a marketing representative for the Tea Board of India. She then left her job to pursue her first passion -- cinema. She did her graduate studies in film and video at the California College of the Arts, in Oakland, finishing in 1986.

Tenzing Sonam was born in Darjeeling in northeastern India to Tibetan refugee parents. Following his graduation from Delhi University, he worked for a year in the Tibetan government-in-exile, based in the Himalayan town of Dharamsala in northern India. He then travelled for a number of years, spending time in Switzerland, New York, Scottsdale (Arizona) and Los Angeles before ending up in Berkeley where, in 1985, he completed his Masters degree in Journalism at the University of California Graduate School of Journalism, specializing in documentary filmmaking.

While students in the Bay Area, Ritu and Tenzing worked on their first documentary: The New Puritans: The Sikhs of Yuba City. This marked the beginning of a professional and personal partnership that has endured for over two decades. They were married in India in 1987. That year, they moved to London where they lived until 1996 and established their company, White Crane Films.

Their subsequent documentaries include: The Reincarnation of Khensur Rinpoche, The Trials of Telo Rinpoche, A Stranger in My Native Land, The Shadow Circus: The CIA in Tibet, and The Sun Behind the Clouds.


【產品資訊】Product Details

Format: NTSC

區碼:1區 (美國、加拿大、美國管轄區域、東太平洋島嶼)
Region: Region 1 (U.S. and Canada only.)

Number of discs: 1

發行公司:Zeitgeist Films
Studio: Zeitgeist Films

DVD Release Date: October 19, 2010

Run Time: 79 minutes

Language:English / Tibetan / Mandarin Chinese

Subtitles:English / Chinese / Japanese / French / German / Russian / Spanish

售價690 (本產品因進口因素,本售價已為特惠價格,會員恕不再折扣)
Price:USD 29







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